RTW Post #8: Pack Rats

09/12/13: Quito, Ecuador

Packing for a year-long trip isn’t a big decision, it’s a hundred little ones; a marathon process of elimination that starts when you choose to travel and ends when you step on the plane. Katie and I have been working our way toward minimal living for a full year now and we’re still struggling with what’s made the cut! Is it too much? Too little? Just right? Only time will tell.

RTW Post #7: Confessions Of A Chronic Planner

9/1/13: Bedford, MA, USA

I’ve done my research. The majority of travel blogs advocate living life spontaneously while on the road. Don’t plan too much. Keep your options open. It makes sense. The more structured your trip the more choices you’re cutting yourself off from. You should allow yourself the freedom to do whatever feels right. Flexibility is touted as the cornerstone of any enjoyable round the world trip.

RTW Post #5: We Are Family

7/29/13 - 8/2/13: Prosser, WA, USA - Chicago, IL, USA

Our journey has been a family affair with friends sprinkled in. As we cross the U.S.A. we both know this will be the last time we see each person for a long time, so we're soaking up every moment, gathering lasting memories to keep us contented during our year of travel.

RTW Post #3: Get Out The Map

7/17/13 - Prosser, WA, USA

People have been wondering where we’ll be going on our round-the-world adventure. It hasn’t been easy to decide. Infinite possibilities are difficult to rein in. It’s impossible to go everywhere, and if we tried to travel every place that tickled our fancy we’d go broke and insane. Once I started researching and opinion polling, it wasn’t long before I heard about “The Pillars.”

RTW Post #1: Saying Goodbye To The Couch

6/30/13: Burbank, CA, USA

I’m sitting in our Burbank apartment, lying on our black vinyl couch for the last time. It was bequeathed to me 11 years ago by my father, after he asked if we needed any furniture for our move to California. Emphatically, yes. We didn’t have much money at the time and no jobs on the horizon. All we had were our NYU diplomas and a bit of moxie. Neither of us knew exactly what we wanted to do, we just knew we wanted to work in the movies.